Ok Jae Chong–1/8/2024


Ok Jae Chong was born on November 20th, 1947, in Yong-in, Gyeonggi-do, as the eldest of two sons and five daughters to her father, Sang Yeong Chong, and her mother, Ki Hyang Kim.

She moved to Seoul at the age of 5 and married In Son Chong at the Jungnim-dong Cathedral at the age of 22.

She immigrated to the United States 34 years ago and settled in Lansdale.

She was an active member at the Holy Angels Korean Catholic Church in Philadelphia where she developed good relationships with fellow believers.

She would share home-grown vegetables, fruits and dishes with friends. She also had beautiful singing skills and enjoyed singing with her friends.

She and her husband, In Son, enjoyed a happy marriage for over 50 years.

She was always a warm and generous grandmother to her granddaughters Jisoo and Daun. She was diagnosed with cancer just two months ago and fought the disease to the end, but unfortunately her beautiful life ended at 5PM on Monday, January 8th 2024.

Relatives and friends are invited to Funeral Mass Wednesday, January 13, 2024, at 10 am at Holy Angels Korean Catholic Church in Philadelphia where the family will receive friends at 9:30 am. Interment at Forest Hills, Huntingdon Valley.

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고인은 1947년 음력 11월 20일에 아버지 정상영씨와 어머니 김기향씨의 2남 5녀중 장녀로 경기도 용인시에서 태어나셨습니다.

5세에 서울로 상경하셨고22세에 정인선씨와 중림동 성당에서 결혼하셨습니다.

자녀는 정 훈 외동아들을 두셨고34년전에 미국으로 이민 오셨습니다.

힘든 이민생활이셨지만 근실히 직장을 다니시며 가정을 잘 꾸리셨습니다.

필라델피아 한인성당에서는 여러 그룹에서 활동을 하셨으며 교우분들과 친분이 좋으셨습니다.

또한 렌스데일에 계신 교민분들과도 직접 재배하시고 만드신 채소, 과일, 음식들을 서로 나누시면서 즐거운 생활을 하셨습니다. 가창력 또한 아름다우셔서 친구분들과 노래를 즐겨 부르셨습니다.

남편 정인선씨와는 50년 넘는 행복한 가정생활을 누리셨습니다.

손녀딸 지수와 다은이에게도 항상 따뜻하시며 너그러우신 할머니셨습니다.

불과 2개월 전에 암판정을 받으시고 끝까지 투병하셨지만 안타깝게도 2024년 1월8일(월) 오후5시에 아름다우신 생을 마감하셨습니다.

YMCA 옆 Simcox 장의사
9시30 뷰잉
10시 장례미사
12시 15 하관식 (Forest Hills Cemetery – Huntingdon Valley)
조문객 점심식사 (서라벌)

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