Teresa A. Kellogg–1/26/2019

Teresa A. Kellogg, age 100, of Lansdale, formerly of Philadelphia died on Saturday, January 26, 2019 at Abington Health-Lansdale Hospital.

She was preceded in death by her beloved husband Walter J. Kellogg on May 26, 1987.

Born in Philadelphia, she was the daughter of the late Ludwig and Sophie (Dydak) Malik.

She was a homemaker.  Mrs. Kellogg was a parishioner of Corpus Christi Catholic Church.

She is survived by three loving sons; Walter Kellogg (Kaye), Joseph (Maryjane) and William (Barbara), daughter-in-law Paula Kellogg, 16 Grandchildren, 26 Great grandchildren and 2 Great Great Grandchildren. In addition to her parents and husband, she was preceded in death by her beloved son Robert (husband of Paula), 4 Grandchildren, 5 brothers and 4 sisters.

Relatives and friends are invited to her Mass of Christian Burial, on Friday, February 1, 2019 at 11:00 AM at Corpus Christi Catholic Church, 900 Sumneytown Pike, Lansdale, PA 19446, where the family will receive friends at Teresa’s Viewing from 10 to 11 AM in the Church Narthex prior to Mass.  Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.

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